Rastos klaidos:

Table Kris

KRISS Staliukas

140 €

(su mok.)
  • Juoda
  • Wooden

Here’s a table that really stands out from the crowd. Kris is guaranteed to lift the interior of your living room, reception or other space, and is both stylish and interactive. The table is  composed of steel and plywood and all featuring playful angles to provide creative storage space.

Kris makes a statement in black and a touch of natural, durable plywood, and offers plenty of interesting room for magazines, books, remote controls... anything you like! On top of the angled storage spaces, Kris offers plenty of sleek surface area which will complement any room. This is a table which you’ll never get bored of, with gorgeous details, like the way the black upper perfectly meets the wooden section, or the ever-so-slightly rounded edges.


Jeigu norite šio staliuko KITOKIŲ IŠMATAVIMŲ ar KITOS SPALVOS - parašykite mums custom@elensen.com


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